Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Jmeter in 5 minutes and 60 Minutes

 Jmeter 5 min

Jmeter 50 minutes

Jmeter basics

Performance Testing: ensure software application that will perform well under the expected workload

Load Test: Whether the system is able to handle the required number of concurrent users 

Stress Testing: How the web server behaves with high load (Test maximum load that the web server can handle)

Jmeter : open source and platform independent  (create test plan and add elements)

stores test plan in XML document

Provides protocols like HTTP,JDBC,JMS and FTP

Allows users to record HTTP/s to create test plan using recording facility

Supports Dashboard report generation to understand performance test execution results

Ater Installation : Create Test Plan (what to test and how to test)

Test plans contains: Thread group , samplers, listeners, configuration elements

Once configure the element, run the test plan and analyse the rest result 

List of Elements - TSLC

Thread group: collection of threads (each thread simulates one real user request to the server)

Samplers: Type of user req HTTP,FTP, JDBC .. protocols (How does TG know which type of req to make) user req could be HTTP/FTP req samplers

Listeners: show/display results of the test execution like graphs, table, tree, log

Configuration: Sets up Default and variables for later used by these samplers (for example for CSV data set config, suppose you want to test a website for 100 users signing in with diff credentials, you don't need to record the script 100 times, you can parameterize the script to enter diff login credentials, this login info will be stored in a text file, now the jmeter has an element that allows you to read diff paramerts from that text file , it is the CSV data set config, which is used to read lines from a file and split them into variables then we have HTTP cookie manager

Login config element: add this user and password setting ina user req (like facebook,insta..)

Test Plan : container for all your test plans that you need to perform (like graph, results..)

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Jmeter in 5 minutes and 60 Minutes

  Jmeter 5 min Jmeter 50 minutes Jmeter basics Performance Testing:  ensure software application that will perform well under the expected w...