Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Jmeter in 5 minutes and 60 Minutes

 Jmeter 5 min

Jmeter 50 minutes

Jmeter basics

Performance Testing: ensure software application that will perform well under the expected workload

Load Test: Whether the system is able to handle the required number of concurrent users 

Stress Testing: How the web server behaves with high load (Test maximum load that the web server can handle)

Jmeter : open source and platform independent  (create test plan and add elements)

stores test plan in XML document

Provides protocols like HTTP,JDBC,JMS and FTP

Allows users to record HTTP/s to create test plan using recording facility

Supports Dashboard report generation to understand performance test execution results

Ater Installation : Create Test Plan (what to test and how to test)

Test plans contains: Thread group , samplers, listeners, configuration elements

Once configure the element, run the test plan and analyse the rest result 

List of Elements - TSLC

Thread group: collection of threads (each thread simulates one real user request to the server)

Samplers: Type of user req HTTP,FTP, JDBC .. protocols (How does TG know which type of req to make) user req could be HTTP/FTP req samplers

Listeners: show/display results of the test execution like graphs, table, tree, log

Configuration: Sets up Default and variables for later used by these samplers (for example for CSV data set config, suppose you want to test a website for 100 users signing in with diff credentials, you don't need to record the script 100 times, you can parameterize the script to enter diff login credentials, this login info will be stored in a text file, now the jmeter has an element that allows you to read diff paramerts from that text file , it is the CSV data set config, which is used to read lines from a file and split them into variables then we have HTTP cookie manager

Login config element: add this user and password setting ina user req (like facebook,insta..)

Test Plan : container for all your test plans that you need to perform (like graph, results..)

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Tell me aboubt your self

 Tell me about your self


My name is <name>

I am from Hyderabad

I am postgraduate,

I have done my masters from JNTUK

I have around 8 years of experience in IT industry

From past 7 years I have been working with different domains

I have started my career with IBM labs Bangalore as a test engineer

My role was like test case creation, execution,regression testing, it was like MDM application

After that I got opportunity to work with bankofamerica, then I swited to Vodafone

Now I am working with France based client and the application is related to drowsy driving

I have worked for agile methodology for mobile app testing

My role was like, effort estimation, scenario creation, resource planning


Tell me about your self –manual testing

My name is Chary

I am a postgraduate having 7 years of experience in IT industry

Currently I am working with Tx as a senior QA

I have experience in functional testing, manual testing, API testing and DB testing as well with windows and linux environmets

I have also experience in smoke, regression and sanity testing

Coming to my education, I have completed my masters from JNTU Kakinada university in the stream of CSE in 2015

Coming to my previous projects

From the past 7 years I worked with differnet domains like MDM, OTT, finace, banking and IOT as well

My roles and responsibities are like, to ensure the qulatilty of application by executing Tcs and test scenarios and reporting the bugs and tracking the bugs until it gets fixed

I have strong knowledge in test methodologies and iam passionate to deliver quality products to end users

 Verification – verifying the documers, like eviews and walktroughs

Validation means – to validate the s/w by conducting functional and non functional testing

Challenges (generic)

The requiremts for one of the story got updated then again I have to update the TCs

Some time we face challenge concureent testing for more number of users


 entry criteria: waht are the prerqquisites we should have when we start the testing (environment, details of user strory)

exit criteria:when to stop testuing:those are the items should complete before testing concluded



Saturday, March 25, 2023

Manual Testing Realtime Interview Questions

*********** API testing *****************

Good and the questions were

1. Introduction -

2. Most complicated area if your project...ways to handle

3. API VARIABLES - https://help.mabl.com/docs/using-variables-with-api-tests


4. API status codes https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/rest-api-response-codes/

5. Database queries for top record- select Max(sal) from emp; select ename,sal from (select ename,sal from emp order by sal DESC) where rownum=1;

6. To fetch 6th row from employee table; select * from (select rownum,emp.* from emp) where rownum=6;

7. Login page test scenario- https://sampletestcases.com/login-page/

8. Process of QA- https://www.browserstack.com/guide/setup-qa-process#toc2

9. API put and patch difference- PUT handles updates by replacing the entire entity, while PATCH only updates the fields that you give it.- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28459418/use-of-put-vs-patch-methods-in-rest-api-real-life-scenarios


10. How would you proceed with missing user story- It simply returns to the Product Backlog. From there, the Product Owner will assess whether it's still of business value to complete and will order it accordingly.

11. Database query - to edit/Update something - https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_update.asp

12. Blocker example in your testing. And, how u managed to come out- https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/dealing-with-a-blocker-defect/

13. From where do you get to know that your api request is successful


s it was already mentioned in the question, you can check the response status.

·       2xx statuses considered as successful,

·       3xx can be also turn out as successful, you should use followRedirect.

14. Adhoc and Exploratory testing https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-adhoc-testing-and-exploratory-testing/

15. How can you check page load performance? Right-click and select “Inspect.” Go to the “Network” tab in the pop-up window. As your web page loads, you can see all the information, including the load time

path params vs. query params in a RESTful API?


Consider the word "path" - a way to get to a location. Path parameters should describe how to get to the location/resource that you interested in. This includes directories, IDs, files, etc.


Here, vehicle-id-1 is a path parameter.

Consider the word "query" - I think of it as asking a question about the path i.e. is my path blue, does my path have 100 results.


Here color=blue and limit=100 are the query parameters, which help describe what we should do once we get to our resource: filter out blue ones, and limit them by 100 results.



What would you do if you are completely blocked for testing? –blocker defect

blocker defect

Login page scenarios

GUI & Functionality:

  1. Minimum and Maximum lengths should be set for all the text boxes
  2. Password should be displayed in masked format rather than showing actual text format
  3. Login credentials in UPPER case should not be treated as invalid
  4. Validation message should be shown when special characters are entered in the username field, or when invalid username and/or password is entered or the fields are left blank
  5. Reset button should clear data from all the text boxes in the form
  6. Login credentials, especially password, should be stored in database in encrypted format


  1. When logged in user copy URL and paste in new browser window, it should redirect to Login page
  2. Users should not be allowed to copy and paste Password from text box
  3. Notification email for multiple device login - if user login from unusual device/machine
  4. Entering Login credentials using virtual keyboard should be provided for banking application
  5. After 3 or 5 unsuccessful attempts of login, user login credentials should get locked for specific period e.g. 24 hours
  6. SSL certificate should be implemented/installed for Secured Website
  7. SQL injection attacks & XSS should be verified for login
  8. Two-way authentication through OTP on mobile/email should be tested for banking application


  1. After logout if user clicks on back button user should not be able to login within same session, it should redirect to login page
  2. If user logged in on multiple devices and Logout from one device then it should Logout from all platform/devices
  3. Maximum Session out time should be set for Secured website


  1. If Browser cookies are cleared and user tries to login, the system should ask for credentials again
  2. ‘Remember Form Data’ setting of the browser should not remember the password
  3. Validate the login functionality when browser cookies are turned OFF

How Databse is used in your project?

1.       I used MYSQL databse in my previous project

2.       We have access to QA environment Database (read access only)

3.       We use database for searching driver details and mobile details, app version details

4.       We check data base when they add/update any new columns as per the requirement



Connection of database to login page?


what would you do if any bug is found in production

What You Should Do in This Case



1.   A new build released to test team
2. Test team start testing
3. Test team finish the testing and report the test result
4. No critical issue founds
5. Go-decision made
6. Product is released and Champagne is opened
…A few days later…
7. A user reports an important bug.

2.    First of all, try to assist to resolve that bug as soon as possible. At this time, do not find the responsibility of each person. Then find the root cause of that bug.
There will have 2 cases for that:
1. If bug because of our mistake,like test coverage is not enough, our mistake when we did execution… try to find the screenshot, email, test evidences for it, and explain why the bug escapes to production. Always acquiesce the mistake if that is our mistake.

3.    2. If that is a new bug, try to assist developer to resolve it immediately. Sometimes bug comes from the different of test env and production env, different between test data and migrate data, try to find the root cause and explain to customer.


What were good and bad in your project?

1.       Unstable Test Environment 2. Tight Deadlines 3. Wrong Testing Estimation 4. Last-Minute Changes to Requirements 5. You may Test the wrong things 6. Lack of Communication



POSTMAN response codes and methods

200: This code is used for a successful request.

201: For a successful request and data was created.

204: For empty response.

400: This is used for Bad Request. If you enter something wrong or you missed some required parameters, then the request would not be understood by the server, and you will get 400 status code.

401: This is used for Unauthorized Access. If the request authentication failed or the user does not have permissions for the requested operations, then you will get a 401 status code.

403: This is for Forbidden or Access Denied.

404: This will come if the Data Not Found.

405: This will come if the method not allowed or if the requested method is not supported.

500: This code is used for Internal Server Error.

503: And this code is used for Service Unavailable.

The most commonly used HTTP methods are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, HEAD, DELETE, and OPTIONS.

GET to Retrieve a resource,

POST to Create a resource,
PUT to Update a resource, and
DELETE to Delete a resource.

Use of developer tools

There are many ways to open the Developer Tools:

  • Press the F12 key;
  • Press a key combination of Ctrl + Shift + I;
  • Make right-click on the element of the page>view page source
  • Browser menu>More tools>Developer tools


1.       Inspect an HTML Element

2.       Edit HTML Elements

3.       View HTTP requests

4.       Simulate device frames

5.       Simulate performance on slower networks

6.       Investigate page load errors

What would you do if page loads slowly?

·       Identify your business objectives

·       Identify KPIs for application and web performance

·       Pick a load test tool

·       Create test case

·       Understand your load environment

·       Run the load test incrementally

·       Always keep your end-users in mind

1.       What was the toughest time in your project and how did you overcome it?

Drive the vehicle on road when whenever there is a production deployment

One of the biggest work challenges I’ve overcome happened at my last job. Two team members were let go and I was left with the workload of three people. I fell behind and knew I couldn’t keep up in the long term, so I asked my manager for help. We came up with a solution that involved hiring, getting temporary help from another team, and streamlining our team’s processes to be more efficient, too. The experience taught me a lot in terms of communication and problem solving, and I think I’m even better prepared for the next problem or challenge I’ll face since I overcame that previous obstacle despite it feeling hopeless initially.

2.       How do you prioritize the issues?


1. Bugs that affect core functionality or negatively affect users should be given the highest priority.

2. Bugs that are affecting a small number of users but are causing significant problems should also be given high priority.

3. Bugs that are not causing any harm but are still affecting the system or users should be given a lower priority.


3. How do you give severity (critical,major,minor,low )to the issues?


4. Login functionality test scenarios


5. What will you do if some new requirements are added in last moment?

1.     This is not acceptable as this can make impact on the product

2.     Immediately escalate this matter

3.     Ask why this is added and what is the impact in it

4.     QA should ask seperate estimation to test it


follow Agile Development process might be the GOOD option to go with because it allows you change in requirements in late in Software Development process as well, it is intended for that. Also the end user or customer involvement is on all stages, so customer is aware of what is implementing & if they want to changes in requirement or add new requirement then it can be easily accommodate

5.       What would you do if page loads slowly?




If you are trying to check the resources on your page with the actions performed while loading, open developer tools on Google Chrome(F12) and go to Performance Tab>> Click Record and reload the page, stop it and see the breakdown time wise.


You can go onto Audits tab and start a new audit to see detailed performance of your page.


BrowserStack's Speed Lab is one such website speed test tool. It allows teams to check a website's loading time across real desktop and mobile devices as well as browsers

8. What is the bug management tool you use? JIRA and gitlab (JIRA integrated with gitlab)

9. What is the most important step in STLC? IPDER

Phase 1: Requirement Analysis.

Phase 2: Test Planning.

Phase 3: Test Case Development.

Phase 4: Test Environment Setup.

Phase 5: Test Execution.

Phase 6: Test Cycle Closure.

Test execution is, without doubt, the most critical phase in the STLC. It is the process of executing the code and comparing the expected and actual results.

10. How do you choose a testing strategy? What are some examples?

We can categorize the testing strategies as below:

1.       White box [If developers have provided the ability to access the application code]

a.       Making changes in back-end & verifying behavior in font-end

 i.            An automation testing company would perform UI, Database and API testing if there is access to application code, database & other endpoints.

2.       Black box [If developers have not provided the ability to access the application code]

a.       This type of testing is included where functional testing services are provided & it includes testing the application from a UI perspective without going into code

 i.            Examples: Regression testing, user acceptance testing, smoke testing, sanity testing, etc.

What process you follow for in QA – Agile process


1.    Analyze Requirements. It costs more to fix a bug that has been detected during testing as compared to just preventing them at the stage of requirements design. ...

2.    Plan the tests. ...estimation

3.    Design the tests. ...test case writing

4.    Execute Tests and Report Defects. ...test case execution and defect reporting

5.    Run Re-Tests and Regression Tests. ...retest and regression test

6.    Run Release Tests…..sanity after release


What do you think that what is necessary in SDLC process

It is necessary to review the design, verify its testability, check whether the design architecture meets all functional and non-functional requirements. Also, QA specialists make Data Flow Diagram (DFD) together with UI/UX designers and document it.



There are one user story and something is missed in that particular functionality. Then how will you proceed

"All incomplete Product Backlog Items are re-estimated and put back on the Product Backlog."

in case stories are not completed, you have two options.

1. Split

2. Carry forward


What do you understand by Regression test

Regression testing is testing existing software applications to make sure that a change  hasn't broken any existing functionality

How will you check page load performance

Chrome -> Right Click -> Inspect Element -> Network Tab. When you load a page there is a nice report for the timeline of the page showing the actual page load time, css, js etc.

How can you proceed with Performance testing



Performance Testing is a software testing process used for testing the speed, response time, stability, reliability, scalability, and resource usage of a software application under a particular workload

How you proceed if any bug is found in production

Why we use developer tools – to debug application

Developer tools (or "development tools" or short "DevTools") are programs that allow a developer to create, test and debug software. Current browsers provide integrated developer tools, which allow to inspect a website.

How you deal with  issues that come in production

Note: Please make sure that your Google Meet link is accessible before joining the interview call. 









********** Mobile and API Testing ***************

At what stage which testing is performed ?

Unit Testing : Done by developers during the development phase

Integration testing: Done by developer and tester by integrating all modules

System testing: Done by tester, how app is behaving in the system

Acceptance testing: Done by customer

 Sanity- after new feature deployment, Smoke-build veification , Regression- new features against old featues , Integration- involves integrating the various modules of an application and then testing their behaviour  .

How long is your sprint duration ?  2 weeks

What are the OS in mobile testing ? android, IOS, blackberry and windows

 PAN number textbox field verification , inline  message , regex API testing when to perform , Before or after functional ( before functional testing API testing should be done)




Valid Test Cases

Verify the pan number field by entering the ten characters long valid pan number.

Verify first five characters should be any upper case alphabets.

Verify next four characters should be any number from 0 to 9.

Verify that the last(tenth) character should be any upper case alphabet.

Check that the Pan number should not contain any white space.

Check that alert message when the user enters an invalid Pan card number.

Check that all the alphabet should be in Upper case only.

Invalid Test Cases

Verify the pan card field by entering the pan number which is less than 10 digits.

verify the field by entering the pan number which is greater than 10 digits.

verify the field by entering the pan number first five char in lower case.

Verify the field by entering the pan number which is white space.

Verify the 10 digits by entering the number.

Verify the field by entering the pan number which contains all the alphabet in lower case.

How you receive builds for testing mobile application ? For android Beta tester option should enable for recent build or dev team will send the APK to QA team with updated changes, For IOS, they will deploy the beta build into test flight

 any medium through which new build is received? We have a separate slack group for receiving the builds

 Tool used for API testing ? Postman

 different methods in API testing ? get, post,put,delete (retrieve, create, update,delete)

 if app not launching is a BE or FE issue ? Back end/Front end – back end issue-api calls

how will you debug issues in mobile app ios/android? Using server logs (req/response)

how will you categorize bug found while testing mobile app . FE , BE- page not loading-nework tab api calls, (back end issue),buttons, text not displaying ( front end issue)

Based on previous projects () explain any critical feature flow . 
Various challanges faced while testing
- Auto lauch in Core for tech

Sanity , Smoke , Regression , Integration .


How long is your sprint duration in Agile and what are the roles and responsibilities as a tester ?

2 weeks sprint will be there, tester roles will be like, after test estimation, writing test cases for new feature, executing testcase, after code freeze, running regression suite, then deployment and then sanity check

What are the OS in mobile testing ? iOS 16 vs. Android 13

API testing when to perform , Before or after functional-Before

How you receive builds for testing mobile application ? any medium through which new build is received ? slack channel

Tool used for API testing ? postman

 different methods in API testing ?

 if app not launching is a BE or FE issue ?

 how to check issue if its FE or BE issue ?

what are the various components(parameters) of an API request .


An HTTP method

describes what is to be done with a resource. There are four basic methods also named CRUD operations:

GET to Retrieve a resource,

POST to Create a resource,
PUT to Update a resource, and
DELETE to Delete a resource.

An endpoint 

contains a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) indicating where and how to find the resource on the Internet. The most common type of URI is a Unique Resource Location (URL), serving as a complete web address. 



store information relevant to both the client and server. Mainly, headers provide authentication data — such as an API key, the name or IP address of the computer where the server is installed, and the information about the response format.

A body

is used to convey additional information to the server. For instance, it may be a piece of data you want to add or replace.

error codes in api testing :200, 400-cliient side, 500-server side


what are different types of testing that comes under Mobile testing (approaches)

Functional Testing- validates the software against the functional requirements
Interruption Testing-
ensures that an app handles interruptions without failure
Localization Testing-
technique to verify software behavior for specific locations and regions
Speed Testing-
measures the speed between your device and a test server, using your device's internet connection
Memory Leak Testing-
application, resulting in hangs, buffering, or crashes
Usability Testing-
process of testing your product with real people
Performance Testing-
testing technique that determines the speed, scalability, and stability of an application under a given workload.
Security Testing-
checks whether software is vulnerable to cyber attacks


Introduction then explanation of your last project along with roles and responsibilities
2. If PAN Card is correct but still shows error then is it frontend issue or backend issue 
3. Which Method is used for creating entity in database 
4. How will you debug an issue in mobile if  you found an issue 
5. Which steps you follow if customer reported any issue 
6. What is the functionality of PUT Method
7. How will you address the issue if you found on mobile application 
8. What type of scenarios you will follow to test the PAN CARD verification functionality
9.  Process follows in previous project 
10. Agile methodology and approaches 
11. status codes and what will be the status code if you created a resource successfully 


Jmeter in 5 minutes and 60 Minutes

  Jmeter 5 min Jmeter 50 minutes Jmeter basics Performance Testing:  ensure software application that will perform well under the expected w...