Thursday, September 1, 2022

Manual Testing


Manual Testing


1.       Software Application- website, mobile app

·       Project – CTS (CTS internal project –Only for internal emps)

·       Product – Amazon, flipkart (Access to anyone)

House construction (Example)

·       Plan for bugget

·       Choose a land

·       Purchanse land

·       House plan approval

·       Civil engineer contract

·       Interior desiner contract

·       House warming


2.       SDLC (stages involved in order to develop a software application) (RADCTR&M)

·       Requirement gathering – Done by Business Analyst

·       Planning / Analysis - Manager

·       Design – High Level (back end implementation) and Low level (Front end design)

·       Development/Coding (Developers)

·       Testing (Testers)

·       Delivery/Release and maintenance (deliver to customer and future enhancements)

3.       Error/mistake – Human error (BA captured wrong requirement)

4.       Defect/Bug/Issue/Incident – Deviation b/w expected behavior and actual behavior

5.       Failure -  inability of a software system or component to perform its required functions within specified performance requirements (Flipkart big billion-day sale)

6.       Software Testing (combination of verification (Static testing) and validation (dynamic testing)

·       Are we developing right product or not – verification (when development of s/w)

·       Whether the developed product is right or not – validation (after development)

Review – Cross checking project related works (management, code, formal, informal, technical reviews)

Walkthrough – knowledge transfer session (to new persons/testers)


·       Developers – White Box Testing WBT– testing conducted on source code (Unit + Integration testing)

·       Testers – Black box testing BBT – Testing conducted on s/w Application

BBT techniques

·       ECP - equivalence class partitioning - input data is divided into partitions of valid and invalid values (A-z, a-z, 0-9 and special characters)

·       BVA- Boundary Value Analysis - testing the boundary values of valid and invalid partitions (Gmail account age- should be>=18 then test below 18 , after 18 and 18)

·       DTA- Decision Table Testing- testing technique used to test system behavior for different input combinations. (True and false table)- Boolean conditions

·       STT - State Transition Testing-used where different system transitions are needed to be tested (app state is changing or not) – pages are changing or not

·       UCA – Use case analysis – For every user action appropriate response (for every user input whether application is giving correct update or not)

STLC - Software Testing Life Cycle – various stages involved in testing an application-  PADEC

1.       Planning – Test managers or Leads –

a)       Plan & strategy

b)      Now days either plan or strategy

c)       What are we testing (what we are not testing ex: pay now, 3 tabs)

2.       Analysis – Testers ::1st analyze customer needs, later analyze one after another requirement

a)       IPhone 13 pro Max: features,

3.       Design –Test cases (what to test and how to test) ex: search bar (valid/ invalid data, special char)

A.      Positive cases – car driving (clutch and make gear)

B.      Negative cases - car driving (without clutch and make gear)

4.       Execution – After development execute it in Dev env (+ve / -ve Flow) –Testers

5.       Closure – Test Managers/ Leads ( give presentation  to customers)

Test Planning Phase: (what and what to do)- In project planning – one time activity): mgrs/leads

Test Plan: word Doc (No standard template for this)- prepared by, reviewed by, approved by, document change history,table contents….. (Introduction aboubt the project,doc refs from customer,about the project, test approach, scope of testing (regression, re-testing, functional/ non funal testing, strategy,test deliverebles, entry criteria ( when to start testing), exit criteria (when to stop testing), test scenarios, test cases, schedule, Trainings, defect reporting mechanism (Defect life cycle)

a.       Overview on the project

b.       Inscope – features to be tested

c.       Outscope- features not to be tested

d.       Resources (s/w req,H/w req,people)- java, mac pc, need 3 testers

e.       Schedule (High Level time lines)

f.        Training (like mobile automation, j-meter performance testing)

Test Strategy: PPT:: (No standard template for this)- system(sprint) testing, system integration testing -SIT( pay now goto paypal- integrated to other app,end to end testing: separate team (amazon- account creation,login,search,Add to cart, purchase, order details, trach order,logout)  , UAT, sprint time lines (when to test, deliver), If it is AGILE model ( EPIC- complete set of functionality, feature- small feature from EPIC, user story- High level fnlity ,task – small tasks)

Real time testing process in company

a.       First we will get user stories

b.       Create test cases from user stories

c.       Run test cases in multiple iterations ( every run we get test data- publish that test data)

d.       Test execution (by testing team-pass/fail then report it , dev fix it and give for re testing)

e.       Entry criteria (when to start and end unit/system testing)- clear req and designs,unit test report

f.        Exit criteria (all critical bugs closed)- when to stop testing

g.       Test environment

h.       Roles and responsibilities

i.         Tools (which process you follow, JIRA, bug zilla…)

Test Closure (Project ending- one-time activity)

Test Analysis Phase (input is customer requirements (BRS), SRS)

BRS – Requirement Document: product complete details – ex: IBM,paypal ( user requirements – home page,welcome screen ..) attributes, data type,length…

Test Design Phase- we need to create our test cases (what to test and how to test)

Test cases: excel file ( testcase ID, pre-condition,description,steps,expected result, actual result)

Testing env’s: Dev,QA, staging, pre-prod or parallel, prod

Test Executionà Developer confirmation àDefect creates

Defect description, steps to reproduce, expected result, actual result,screenshots/video attached

Severity: how severe this defect is impacting the app

Priority: How soon it will get fixed

Show stopper or blocker : blocking the app

Re-producible defect / non- reproducible defect

Defect Age : DOB of defect- how many days to fix it

Bug life cycle -> New->open->assign->fix-> retest /verify->close


Agile methodology: first show key functionality then implements it

We are going to develop application in multiple releases

Release : 6 months of duration : 30 Requirements

Sprints->10-15 days of duration we call it as a sprint

Scrum master/manager: complete project activities – project delivery

Developer: UI developer, developer

Tester: manual, automation, performance

Architect: complete project architecture

BA: business analyst who interact with end clients for requirements

Agile model:

Sprint Grooming: understand user requirement

Sprint planning: work assignment   resource

Scrum call: 10-15 call daily (what we did yesterday and today)- daily meeting

Retrospective: last to sprint (what we did in 10 days)- liked, learnt, lacked, actions

sprint demo: demo to customer

Agile testing activities:

·       You need to create 3 tasks for testing (analysis 4H, design 4H , execution 8H)

Day 1 to 10

3-4 days ::design complete

5th day ::BA/SM::review our test cases

After developing requirement :: do execution

Priority::high, medium, low

Agile management tools : JIRA -80 to 90% :: project management tool ( requirements, TCs,execution status,defect report)

JIRA will have multiple project : but you only get access to your project only

User requirement = story( analysis, design , execution)- log issues

SCRUM: 2 years:multiple releases:each release will have some set of fnlites

6 months: list of requirements

Release 1:SDLC

10 to 15 days : sprint (grooming, planning,activities(screum calls),retrospective,sprint demos)

Documentation less time work more time::using specific tools

JIRA entire project management activities (requirements, test cases, defects, reports)

JIRA ( In companies they need to get license)

Jira free version for testing (jira free account in incongnito mode) – mailninator for temp email

Zephye squad- select à scrumàinvite team

Options in JIRAàprojects àbacklog (all customer requiremets)à

Exampleà10 backlogs ( work in sprint)àcreate sprintà add members

Sprint planning (requiremts estimation)àsantoshà60 hours

Start sprint

Jiraàaccount createàlogin and perform basic operationsàuser requirements and sprint planning

·       Testers::agaile testing process (STLCàplanning,analysis,design,execution,closure)

·       Agileàreleasesàmultiple sprints

8th julyàtest plan/test strategy

10th DecàTest closure documents

Story point and estimation à based on complexity of requirement

Design-3àQA analysis-2àQA execution-3àQA Review-2 (This story estimation one week)


Designàwrite Test cases

Executionàinprogress àexecuted all Tc’s and no defects found

10 days of duration à9th day for testing

Having 3 testersà 5 requirements or stories-àgive  ( priority 1,2,3)

Real time testcases put in--jira plug in-->zephyr,zephr sqard, xray etc (test mgmt. tool for JIRA)

EPIC or Task -àtest case

Processà Test CycleàTest executionàtest cases

Daily Test summary report to stake holders

































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